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Hometown School Reading – Alyson Wendzel

On Thursday, September 29th, I finally got a break in my very busy schedule and was able to read to a kindergarten class in my hometown! When I arrived, the students could barley hold still from excitement! When they finally did, they sat down and told me how they were learning all about where apples come from, when they are ready to be picked, and what color apples there are. I was happy to hear that they knew Michigan apples would help them to grow big and strong and that when I offered a Red Delicious, not one of them refrained from accepting one and taking a giant bite. They even asked for seconds!

When I took a class vote on favorite apple color, I was surprised to see green in first, and red in second, but even more surprised when a kindergartener raised her hand and informed me that her favorite apple color was “the striped ones”. I was very impressed. After reading the book “Up, Up, Up, it’s Apple Picking Time”, I answered questions I get often such as what my favorite apple is, where I lived, and where I got all of my banner pins from. I was also asked some pretty unusual ones like if I knew any of the Disney princesses personally, and where my castle was. I really got a kick out of my new friends.

It was great getting to revisit my old classroom and kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Griffith and meet all of her students, and am thankful that they let me share their time and teach them a little bit more about our wonderful Michigan Apples!